Sunday, September 1, 2013

Left-hand accuracy exercice

Today my left-hand is as shitty as my smile during a hangover.
I felt so ashamed of myself that I couldn't help writing an exercice to develop my dumbass left-hand accuracy.

This exercice mixes:
  • right-hand tapping
  • descending hammer-ons
  • slides
  • odds pattern (5 + 3)
  • chromatism

The objective is to play each note clearly and with perfect accuracy, in time, without hesitation and regardless of speed.

Chromatism helps to develop the strenght of each left-hand finger.
It also allows to play a lot of notes at fast tempo...because this is simply fucking cool :)))  #shred

When practicing with a crunch sound, I enjoy letting ring the last note of the pattern before changing string. Just to have more control of the sound and to bring a "grungy" touch.
Ex: bar 2, between A# and B

Have fun